
Melissa Mai
Teaching Crew

My Teaching Style
I don’t care about how you look; all I care about is how you feel. Within every asana (yoga posture) is an experience to be felt. Grounded, connected, humble, alive, vulnerable. Above all, I want you to feel more deeply into your body and your being (and your life off the mat). 

Always a steady paced practise, moment by moment, creating, arriving, then feeling into each asana. I’m in no hurry, with a focus on presence, your naturalness and the simple beauty of breathing and moving. 

About Me
A lover of the sunshine, the ocean, plants, being naked, red wine, lasagne, being alone, being in love, travelling, camping, playing and relating with my kids. 

I spend most of my time at this special studio with my beautiful Humming Puppy family (both staff and students). And when I’m not here, you’ll find me frolicking in front of a camera lens, sharing meals with friends & family or hanging out with the kids.

Aims and goals for the future?
My goal in this life, is to live in a way that’s true to my heart, peacefully and powerfully. I hope to step more (and more) out of the box -  to explore, challenge my boundaries, to learn, listen & feel into a deeper sense of ‘being human’. A lifetime commitment to keep the flame of courage and integrity burning…. so I can be ‘me’, despite social norms, judgements and fear. 

And most of all, I strive to keep learning how to be a better human for the people in my life. Expanding my capacity to love, to listen, to express what matters, to forgive and to cherish. 

Favourite Quote?
“It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. To forgive everybody” – Maya Angelou. 

Favourite Asana?