Amy Apgar (She/Her)
Teaching Crew

Amy identifies herself as a lover of movement, creator/ teacher, a Bisexual woman and survivor; and New Yorker by way of Appalachia.

She holds a BS in Dance and a 500 Hour RYT, is a YA Continuing Education Provider; and Certified Personal Trainer specializing in Trauma Informed Yoga. As a yoga teacher and student Amy takes inspiration from merging dance associated artistry and anatomically informed science. In her classes you can expect to explore themes of Ayurveda and nature, functionality and accessibility; and subtle energetic practices. She sees movement and yoga asana as rituals that work to empower and sustain life. Amy believes that they contain the ‘potential to unlock the magic inherent in all of us by connecting us to the healing powers of nature within and around’. She believes that every person deserves to feel at home in their body in the strive to build better relationships with themselves.